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Kodu-like environment for MakeCode

What is Kodu?

Kodu Game Lab is a 3D game development environment designed to make game programming simple and accessible to anyone. The Kodu programming model is novel and rigorously streamlined. It dispenses with the majority of traditional programming concepts, including symbolic variables, branching, loops, mathematical expressions, string manipulation, polymorphism, and so on. The user programs characters in the world, and programs are expressed in a high-level, sensory paradigm. The typical “hello world” of Kodu is:


What is MakeKodu?

This project is an experiment - inspired by Kodu and Microsoft TileCode - to see what a Kodu-like environment would feel like in MakeCode Arcade and on supported handhelds like Meowbit.


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Top TODOs and bugfixes

TODO (General - not prioritized)

TODO (Language - not prioritized)

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